Joseph Postell

Hillsdale College


Joseph Postell is an Associate Professor of Politics at Hillsdale College, where his area of expertise lies in teaching courses related to American politics, Congress, political parties, and administrative law. His primary research focus revolves around American political institutions and their interactions with the modern administrative state.

He wrote the book titled “Bureaucracy in America: The Administrative State’s Challenge to Constitutional Government,” and he has served as an editor for various works, including “Rediscovering Political Economy” (with Bradley C.S. Watson), “Toward an American Conservatism: Constitutional Conservatism During the Progressive Era” (with Johnathan O’Neill), and “American Citizenship and Constitutionalism in Principle and Practice” (with Steven F. Pittz). His scholarly articles have been published in prestigious journals and law reviews, and he actively contributes to the Liberty Fund’s Law and Liberty website.

Joseph Postell is an alumnus of Ashland University, where he had the privilege of being an Ashbrook Scholar.

Publications by Joseph Postell