Lynne Kiesling
Lynne Kiesling is a Research Professor in the College of Engineering, Design, and Computing at the University of Colorado-Denver and Co-Director of the Institute for Regulatory Law & Economics. She also provides advisory and analytical services as the President of Knowledge Problem LLC.
Her research in transactive energy uses transaction cost economics to examine regulation, market design, and technology in the development of retail markets, products and services and the economics of smart grid technologies in the electricity industry. Her publications include journal articles, policy analyses, and Deregulation, Innovation, and Market Liberalization: Electricity Regulation in a Continually Evolving Environment (Routledge, 2008).
As a noted expert in smart grid economics, regulatory and market design, and retail competition, Lynne speaks to various academic, industrial, and regulatory groups about regulatory policy, institutional change, and economic analysis of electric power market design. In addition to her publications she has served as a peer reviewer for the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation, and for academic journals including Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Energy Journal, Public Choice, Journal of Institutional Economics, and Energy Policy. She has provided expert testimony in proceedings before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the California Public Utilities Commission, the Illinois Commerce Commission, and the New York Public Service Commission, and served as the Electricity Markets Working Group Facilitator in the Illinois NextGrid utility of the future study in 2018.
Lynne served as a member of the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Smart Grid Advisory Committee (2017-2019). She also served (2005-2010) as a member (and is currently an emerita member) of the GridWise Architecture Council, a group of 13 experts volunteering their time to articulate the guiding principles for an intelligent, transactive, energy system of the future, and to guide and promote measures to transform the nation’s electricity system into a more reliable, affordable, secure network in which users collaborate with suppliers in an information- and value-rich market environment.
Lynne has taught undergraduate courses in principles of economics, energy economics, environmental economics, antitrust and regulation, and the history of economic thought, and she writes about economics as the editor/owner at the website Knowledge Problem. Lynne is Senior Fellow at the Fraser Institute, a member of the academic advisory board of the Institute of Economic Affairs (UK), and a member of the Mont Pelerin Society.
Lynne has a Ph.D. in Economics from Northwestern University and a B.S. in Economics from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.