Taylor Barkley

Abundance Institute


Taylor Barkley is the Director of Public Policy for the Abundance Institute. Previous to this position he was the Director of Technology and Innovation at the Center for Growth and Opportunity. He managed the research agenda, strategy, and represented the technology and innovation portfolio. His primary research and expertise are at the intersection of culture, technology, and innovation. His writing has been featured and published in outlets including IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Scientific American and USA Today. Fox Business, Marketplace, and various talk radio and podcasts have featured him as a commentator on technology issues. He has extensive experience working with state-based technology policy projects and partners and most major federal technology policy topics.

Previously he was the Director of Technology and Innovation at Stand Together Trust and Stand Together. He was also the Government Affairs Manager at the Competitive Enterprise Institute and the Assistant Director of Outreach for Technology Policy at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. He is originally from southern California and a graduate of Taylor University in Indiana with a double major in history and political science. He and his family live in the Washington, DC area. For links to his professional and personal writing visit www.taylordbarkley.com.


Publications by Taylor Barkley

Technology and Innovation

What Policies Promote Abundance?

If Congress and other policymakers take the right steps in important areas, then abundance is within reach.

News by Taylor Barkley

Commentary: Could social media regulation stifle our future?

This is the season of controversial big-government actions by Republicans and Democrats. They too often want to direct people’s actions toward how politicians see fit. While these range from policies dealing with industrial support, climate change, and labor markets, one concern is regulating social media. From the Supreme Court’s scrutiny…

Blogs by Taylor Barkley

Administrative Law Symposium

Expanding regulations have led to linked due process issues. Explore how this affects courts' dispute resolution role.

Key Resources for Parents

Parents are crucial to guiding children's tech interactions. Numerous organizations support informed and responsible parental choices.