Tianyuan Luo

University of Florida


Dr. Luo received his doctoral degree in Agricultural and Applied Economics at the University of Georgia in May 2017 and  is now a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Florida. His research focuses on applied microeconomics such as labor and health economics, agricultural development, and public policy analysis.

Dr. Luo’s portfolio of research accomplishments falls under three categories. The first set of his studies investigates the labor-intensive crop issues in Florida such as the optimization of strawberry operation by upgrading the agricultural system. He also focus on exploring the impact of a labor organization, such as the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, on the cost and benefit of local growers.

The second set of his studies examines the employment or health-related choices of individuals under the influence of legal status, health insurance policy, or migration of children.

The third set of studies focuses on the impact of immigration policies on wages and income inequality, health care utilization, and development of agricultural mechanization.

Publications by Tianyuan Luo

News by Tianyuan Luo